Deltron Consulting was started in 2012 and currently has offices in both Johannesburg and Durban. The Durban office is responsible for all coastal projects in KZN, Eastern Cape, and Western Cape. Deltron Consulting ( is a professional services company that operates as an Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management Company based in Johannesburg, with the second premise in Kwa-Zulu Natal. The KZN operation enables Deltron to service Foskor, a large phosphate and phosphoric acid producer based in Richards Bay.
Deltron CEO Chris Ndlovu holds a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering, a Diploma in Project Management, a Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering, a Professional Electrical and Electronics degree, as well as a Master of Commerce in Leadership and Strategy.
Before founding Deltron Consulting, Mr. Ndlovu worked as a lead engineer at Sasol in 1999. He then became an Electrical and Instrumentation Services Manager at Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper in 2003, where he was promoted to Deputy Business Unit Manager in 2007. He left Mondi in 2008 to join Igoda Projects where he was a Senior Electrical Engineer. In 2011, he became the Executive Manager of Sebata Institute where he worked for just less than two years before becoming the CEO of Deltron Consulting in 2013.
Deltron Consulting plays a huge role in developing youth by providing them with exposure to the corporate environment and equipping them with the necessary skills for their career paths. In 2014, Deltron received an Ekurhuleni Municipality award for The Best Corporate Citizen and Partner for Youth Development. Currently, Deltron has ten interns, with one intern being retained as a permanent employee.
Deltron joined SASDC in 2014, and through its membership has also benefited from supplier development training that it received in 2014. This training has contributed to the company going on to secure contracts with numerous corporates– Foskor, Absa, Rand Water, Anglo Platinum, and Cummins.
Deltron met Foskor representatives at SASDC’s Annual Conference during the allocated networking slot. As a certified supplier, Deltron has participated in capacity-building workshops, the NMSDC international conference and makes use of the SASDC web portal.
In 2014, Foskor launched its new Supplier Development Initiative which allows for the identification of black suppliers for Foskor’s core functions. This programme complements one of SASDC’s core functions of supporting its corporate members in establishing sustainable business practices that demonstrate supplier diversity.
The establishment of its Supplier Development Initiative is aligned to Foskor’s view that the core objective of SASDC is “to provide capacity building to black-owned businesses”. Foskor notes however that their actual benefits of membership have been less than what was expected, but that SASDC has facilitated access to a broader range of suppliers. Foskor has, in addition, referred about 10 black suppliers to SASDC for certification, including Deltron.
Deltron is wholly black owned and has a level 1 B-BBEE accreditation. Foskor selected Deltron in 2014 as one of ten suppliers to undergo an intensive four-month Foskor training programme intended to optimize the efficiencies of the selected suppliers and ensures growth and business sustainability. The Foskor training and the business linkage has fostered Deltron’s growth and is attributed to the securing of contracts with other large companies such as Absa, Rand Water, and Anglo Platinum.
Since joining SASDC and establishing its business relationship with Foskor, Deltron has been able to create 10 new jobs. In addition, it was able to acquire its own office space in La Lucia Ridge, Umhlanga13. Its sustained growth has resulted in an expanded client base which includes Engen, Umgeni Water, Uphongolo, Hibiscus Coast Municipality, and Cummins, a global power leader and engine manufacturer, a SASDC founding corporate member, and a member of the US National Minority Supplier Development Council.
Through their relations with Foskor, Delton also established a joint venture with DEC in 2014, which would see the implementation of R700m worth of capital projects in Richards Bay. The project has a life span of 3-4 years with R200m of projects being completed in the 2014/2015 financial year and R500m worth of the projects being completed over the long term.